Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pleasant Hell

Pleasant Hell, my first novel/memoir, was published 2004 by Capricorn Press.

These reader reviews should give you some idea of the tone:

"An unconscionable perspective on the value of human life." -- John Gorenfeld
"John Dolan is easily the best writer the 21st century has yet produced. "-- Richard Stockton
"Pleasant Hell does many things -- beautifully and savagely -- but its biggest accomplishment is its ability to tell the truth."

Find out more at (and order from!)

PS Yeah, that's a dead squid on the cover.

1 comment:

André said...

You are quite good, Mr. Dolan. A great writer. But what I like the most is the War Nerd, Gary Brecher. That's your finest work. Your alter-ego looks like me, thinks like me. It's true that you exaggerate a little sometimes, whether you are writing about politics or military affairs or both, you get it totally wrong every now and then, but in the end it really doesn't matter, because even when you are mistaken it's a pleasure to read your articles. They are very smart, intelligent, original and funny. And also full of style. I guess your life is full of style as well as your style is full of life. Good luck with everything!

André de Barros Balsalobre

Brasília, Brazil